Rotation 3 Site Evaluation Reflection

Due to the pandemic, both of my site evaluations for this rotation were conducted via Zoom video chat with Michael Rachwalski, PA-C. During my first site evaluation during the second week of the rotation, we discussed the first two cases posted in the “Rotation 3 H&Ps” page as well as the article that can be found in the “Rotation 3 Article and Summary” page. In the second site evaluation during the final week of the rotation we discussed the remaining cases I wrote SOAP notes for. In both encounters, we discussed the overall experience in the rotation and the different procedures I was able to participate in, as well as discussed the completion of my drug cards.

These site evaluations were extremely valuable despite not being face-to-face because I was able to get input from another clinician on my style of note-writing. Since this is so subjective from provider to provider, it is immensely helpful as a student to get input from several different points of view to hear what they would have included or excluded. Additionally, it was great to hear input from PA Rachwalski regarding the plan to consider alternatives for what might have been done for these patients.