Rotation 9 Site Evaluation Reflection

Both of my site evaluations for this rotation were done via video chat with Professor Carlos Melendez, PA-C. I enjoyed having my site evaluations with him because, as the professor who taught our class OB/GYN I was able to refer back to our class sessions and the anecdotes he had shared with us. It was also a treat, as always, to be able to get feedback and discuss the cases I was presenting with a provider who is so seasoned in the specialty.

In my first evaluation I presented my drug cards and the first case in my H&Ps for this rotation, which was an OB triage case for a G1P0 patient called in from the clinic due to elevated LFTs to rule out preeclampsia versus any hepatobiliary pathology. I liked talking through this one with Professor Melendez because this was a semi-complicated case because of the patient’s somewhat complicated gestational course and discomfort with the ob exams due to her cultural and religious upbringing.

In my second evaluation I presented 5 more drug cards, the third case in my H&Ps for this rotation, and the article that I chose. In my case presentation we took a few extra moments to discuss the patient counseling because the patient, who was suffering from severe anemia due to heavy menstrual bleeding secondary to fibroids previously treated with a myomectomy, consistently refused a hysterectomy, which would be a definitive treatment, due to her nulliparity and wishes to perhaps become pregnant one day. During the time I spent with the patient and the GYN team in speaking to her, no one counseled her on her fertility chances due to her age (45 years). Professor Melendez and I agreed that we might have counseled the patient differently had we been driving the interaction.